Twitter Is Launching New NFT Profile Image Display Option

Posted by TotalDC

Twitter is launching its NFT profile image display option for Twitter Blue subscribers and only on iOS, at least for now.

That means that Twitter users will be able to show their NFTs in a more certifiable fashion, with the images linked back directly to the ownership data on OpenSea. That could positively affect unauthorized NFT use and potentially limit unauthorized NFT use, because if you don’t own the image you won’t get the hexagonal logo or additional linking options.

And if you are a Twitter Blue subscriber you will see the new option in your profile picture settings, which will guide you through the linking process. You will be able to connect your crypto wallet, which links to your NFT collection, enabling a direct connection between your image and ownership info. Your profile image will switch to the new hexagonal shape which when tapped provides visitors with more info on the displayed image.

It is no surprise that Twitter jumped on the NFT train when considering the popularity of NFT profile images. Looking at numbers NFT sales reached 24.9 billion USD last year while in 2020 NFT sales were only 94.9 million USD. Safe to say the NFT market is exploding.