We already covered PHP File System and Include and Require in PHP. Now you will learn what parsing directories in PHP is, and how to process directories or folders using…
We are successfully continuing our PHP tutorial series. In this article I will present 6 PHP filters you must know for user input validation. Validating And Sanitizing Data With PHP…
We have already talked about what $_GET and $_POST superglobal variables are. In this tutorial, you will learn about PHP form handling, and how to collect user data from inputs…
Not that you learn what are cookies, how to create them, and how to delete them, but it’s time to move even further and talk about sessions. In this article,…
In today’s article in this PHP tutorial series we will talk about PHP cookies. We will discuss what are they, how to create them, and why you would want to…
Now that we have covered such things as operators, strings, if – else and switch statements, let’s dive deeper and talk about PHP arrays. What Is An Array In PHP…
Now that we covered IF – ELSE statements in this article and now it’s the perfect time to take a look at PHP switch statements. IF – ELSE VS Switch…